David Schwab: Welcome to the Schwab Report. This is David Schwab. Today my guest is Dr. Jason Denise. Dr. Denise is a cosmetic and restorative dentist, and he joins me today from his office in Annapolis, Maryland.

Dr. Denise, if a patient would like whiter teeth, what are some of their options?

Dr. Denise: Well we have a couple different options. Traditional whitening, I would call a take home whitening kit. And this style of treatment, what you would do is come in to the office, have some impressions taken, so that we could make customized models of your teeth. From these models we would make a tray. It would house the whitening gel. And two times a day for about a two week period you would be wearing these trays for a period of 15 minutes to an hour.

As an alternative we also offer an in house whitening treatment called Zoom Whitening. We get equivalent results to that two week take home treatment in about an hour.

David Schwab: Well, you talk about various options. And one of the options you mentioned was this take home trays. Now let me just play devil’s advocate and ask you a question. What about the patient who says, “Well, you know I could go to the drugstore and I could buy a box of whitening materials. So why do I need to come to the dental office to get something that I could take home to use to whiten my teeth?”

Dr. Denise: Sure, well they absolutely could purchase something at the drugstore and use that. The primary difference between what they’re buying there is the concentration of the material. It would take quite a bit more whitening from a drugstore, and I would venture to say that you could not reach the same results with the strength of those materials the concentration of the materials are prescription-strength that we dispense here at the office.

David Schwab: I see. I think that some people would think without having heard your answer that the only difference between buying something in the drugstore and buying something to take home from the dentist’s office to whiten your teeth is the price. But you seem to be saying that the difference is in the prescription-strength of the product that you will provide in your dental office.

Dr. Denise: Sure, and if you were to look at the price as buying something at the drugstore seven or eight times, which might equate to one take home whitening kit here at the office, and then there might not really be a difference.

David Schwab: I would like to thank Dr. Denise for joining us today. Dr. Denise is accepting new patients, and he may be contacted through his website annapolisdds.com.

This is David Schwab, thanks for watching.