State of the Art Treatment

dental implant specialist annapolis maryland

Dental Implants

Missing teeth undermine your confidence and keep you from living life to its fullest. If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants can change your life.

strengthen your smile with compsite resin

Strengthen Your Smile

If you’re embarrassed about your smile because of decayed, disfigured or discolored teeth, you may be a good candidate for composite resins.

tooth whitening services annapolis

tooth whitening services annapolis

1 Hr Teeth Whitening

The Zoom! In-Office Whitening System is a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. It’s safe, effective and fast, 1 hour fast!


Helpful Dental Information

  • What is Periodontal Disease?
    What is Periodontal Disease?
    What is Periodontal Disease? The thought of your hands bleeding when you wash them is enough to make anyone cringe. But, why then, do folks feel it is normal for their gums to bleed when they brush their teeth? Researchers at the National Institute of Health reported that over half...
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  • Overcome your fear of the dentist
    Excellent Tips to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist
    Excellent Tips to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist There are many reasons people fear going to the dentist. For some, these dental phobias are deep seeded, originating in childhood. Perhaps they had an unpleasant experience while getting the Novocain injection, or they were not completely numb before the dentist...
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  • Oral cancer awareness featured image
    April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month
    April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and the Oral Cancer Foundation has created a national screening campaign with the aim of ending oral cancer. Surprisingly, Oral Cancer awareness among the American public is low. However, approximately 49,750 people in the U.S. will be newly...
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Annapolis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry October 19, 2016